Some people consider me to be unbalanced and immature Naive for talking about intimate things I endure Lack wisdom when I open my mouth to speak Show vulnerability during the moments I am weak Love compliments, accolades and pats on the back Play mind games to obtain what I desire or lack Give gifts, money and trinkets with strings attached Friendly with many folks but will not let them latch Wear the world like a loose garment with no cares Look for different options to sort out my affairs Nevertheless, these traits do not define me These are small pigments of your imagination Along with a detailed analysis of what you see Through the windows of our souls we perceive a lot At times what we see and hear is devastating Then at moments, our thoughts are tied up in knots our assumptions convictions and afterthoughts Were embedded deep within in our hearts By our experiences and the ways, we were taught 1 Samuel 16:7 People judge by the outward appearances, but God looks at the heart. Angelena Vernon
Inspiration was based on our different perceptions about others. To sum it up, what type of glasses are you wearing?
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January 2022