Happy Father’s Day
Where would we BE without our Fathers After Being Birth Respectively by our Mothers It Doesn’t Matter the Circumstance or the Place Fathers Just Know, How We need You in Our Space You are so Needed Because of Your Seed Going Before us as The Foundation to Succeed You Plant Life In So Many Different Ways Thank you for Your Love and Support Every Day You Didn’t Realize the Power You Have Within The Ability to Speak and Expect and Powerfully Win The Seed You Receive From the Ultimate Father A Power From Within That No Other Can Bother I Bless You all and Give You Thanks for Your Stand That Makes a Statement Like No Others Can Thank You for Your Sacrifices that you Secretly Give They Have Been So Powerful From Your Daily Will The World Wouldn’t BE What It is Today Without Your Leadership In These Days Many Thanks For How You Do What You Do Blessings and Happy Father’s Day to You. Written Especially For All the Fathers of This World. Heddie J. of A Poetic Ministree, Inc.
Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death; and those who love it will eat its fruit. The tongue is a doorway of life for our body soul and spirit. Words give life, words kill. Words have the ability to hurt, to harm, to heal and comfort. Our words can build up and tear down. By our words, we are justified therefore God is glorified. We must let the words of our mouth and the mediation of our hearts be acceptable in God's sight. Vexation of the soulby Angelena Vernon What grieves my spirit and baffles me Is the performance of leaders in our society A democracy that governs what we can do Laws that are constitutional but cannot benefit you Watching people struggle to make ends meet Hearing about police brutality on the streets Corruption among elected officials and politicians too Has grieved many in our nation and not just a few What makes my heart heavy and troubles me Is how people analyze everything they see How some are oppressed and walking in fear Why we don’t want to endure hardships or persevere With the cost of living expenses being sky high Cremation is not an option when some people die The times and the seasons are in God’s hands He sanctions what will occur based on his plans Nevertheless, what the world is experiencing now I am fully persuaded we will prevail somehow So why are we unsettled about the unknown Things we cannot avoid that will be shown Trials we cannot alter that God ordained Miraculous miracles that no one can explain No matter what befalls you or me We must run to God and embrace His love strength peace and unmerited grace Psalm 91: 1 – Those that dwell in the shelter of the highest will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no one can withstand].
“Vexation of the Soul was written based on the trying times we are facing today. Sometimes the pressures of life come from every direction. To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified. - Isaiah 61:3 God's divine grace |
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January 2022